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.Digital painting: understanding values
In the video the artist discuss that there are 4 fundamentals within the painting which are:
Shape properly one of the most important factors in painting and understanding values, in the video the artist suggests that looking at the world like 2D dimensional colours of light and dark
There are shapes and negative shapes
Values attempt 1
This was the first attempt at creating artwork by just using greyscale, in order to understand the proportions of the values, after that, I selected the shades of grey that I have collected during the study, from that study I picked out about 10 shades of grey. I took the white colour and created a shape that would look like. Than I included the grey parts to create a shadow fo the mountain after that implemented the black to illustrate the rocks.
The artwork took me about 1 hour and a half, the pens tool that I sued for this piece of work was syrup pen.
The work that I created is in Microsoft teams:
Kai Thomas > art videos >
Values attempt 2
For my second attempt of values, I studied seven samurais in one of the scenes in the film, a character on the bottom is holding a hat, and the character in the top part him holding a katana, one of the reasons why I chose this subject rather than the other subject is because all of the subjects that I have used in previous artworks have been environmental designs, I would like to expand my horizons if you will, by studying forms that are not just environments but people as well.
I started by normally doing the first thing that I always do which is sketching first, the drawing itself was quite rough but it did not matter at all because the shapes of the character were not important hence why the characters look so bulky. I am looking at their values and greyscale.
What I did first was to take the picture from the movie and picked the key greyscale shades to work within. I made a greyscale chart on the side of the art piece, I drew the land first, then the people, the body of the characters first and then add the clothes varying shades.
The work that I created is in Microsoft teams.
Kai Thomas > art videos >
moderndayjames . (2017). DIGITAL PAINTING: Understanding values. Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2020.
getwallpapers. (2018). Seven Samurai Wallpaper. Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2020.

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