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Environment concept art
Design intentions
So my desing intentions for the first level my game was to have a wooded area was to:
1. Have a wodded area
2. Lots of hills
3. Foggy asthetic
4. The mood to look quite sombre and enigmatic.
I wanted the environment to look somewhat spooky and unfamiliar because the game world takes place in Jakes head, Jake had a mysterious injury which resulted his memory blurry which is why I wanted to use fogg as the part of the enviroment, the environment itself is supposed to be a snippet into Jake’s life and he was before the mysterious accident.
First I created a moodboard for the nowhere level, the picture consist of drak glomy pictures. After that I created designs on Blender

These are the design I made in blender, this environment is where the character first starts in the game and is introduced. To the first mechanics here which are learning to jump, and interacting with the environment by touching it, also have here they learn about the scent, that's about it in this level, it's here where the plater in introduced to the basic mechanics in the game.
These drawings are keyframes that are supposed to illustrate the mood of the environment, e.g the drawing of the tree look eary and spooky. After that was completed I illustrated it on procreate.
The process behind these drawings are in Microsoft teams 2021 submission:
Kai Thomas > art video > keyframe design

Before I came I 3D modelled the scene, sketches the ideas on paper first, I drew about 6 - 8 pieces of artwork illustrating the progression of the character in the level, a lot of these consist of the character interacting with the environment somehow.

The process behind these drawings are in Microsoft teams 2021 submission:
Kai Thomas > art video > keyframe design

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