Presentation analyses
In todays lesson we sat through a trailer deconstruction of bio shock, we'll be doing more game deconstructions throughout the semester. To get us more familiar with the practice James asked us to do an analysis of the 'minute of gameply of our choice' we did last week. To help us with the analysis we have to use these two questions:
What do we assume was the essential experience intended by the game designer as we perceive it from the trailer?
Which aspects of the lenses do we think are most prevalent in the essential experience for the game from what we can perceive from the trailer?
For this analysis I chose mikases video of 'one shot'
How am I going to tackle it ?
Ask the 2 questions
Then choose which one of the three lenses does it fit, give a rational on why ?
What do we assume was the essential experience intended by the game designer as we perceive it from the trailer?
I think the designer wanted to convey the experience of bonding, in the presentation Miaks (classmate) discuss how throughout the game of one shot you are helping the character out with decision making, so it is only natural that the player and the character are going to create a bond/ relationship which will be developed throughout the game. With this bond it created a form of trust that the character has for the player. In the clip the character has two options, regardless of what choice you chooses Niko believes you made the right choice because of the strong bond between the two of you.
Which aspects of the lenses do we think are most prevalent in the essential experience for the game from what we can perceive from the trailer?
I think out fo all the lenses, the lens of beauty fits with one shot the most. As I said before the essential experience in the game is bonding, bonding and forming a relationship between the player and the character, despite the enemy trying to persuade you from saving NIko and the game world the relationship you have with them is too powerful to be ignored. That I think in the context of the game that is 'beauty'
What element in one shot is beautiful ?
The relationship between the player and Niko, it appears that the relationship will go through many turbelations in the game to test you and Niko, especially with the entity trying to stop you and despite all these challanges, it seems the trust between the player and Niko gets stronger and stronger.
What other feeling in the game make it beautiful ?
Love, trust, kindle, intimacy
What is beauty in the context of one shot ?
Besides the bonding aspect, another beauty in oneshot is the game world, the goal of the game is trying to save Niko's world, the fact that Niko is oging through all this trouble in order to save his world, shows that there must be something in the world as beauty in it.