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In the games deisgn document lecture, james brought up the importance of of having a pitch. He states that the pitch dosen't just help you to have a visual description to help you creating the game, it is also helps designer, programmers and proucers to help you create the game, he suggested that the pitch should on the games design document, because my prototoype will be on the document it is important for me to start designing the pitch. The pitch should encaptulate what my game is going to be to entice the audience, even though my pitch is going to be perfect on the first go but hey it at least its something han nothing at all.
First I written down on apiece of paper on what the basic jist of the game, what is it about ?, what are going to do in it ?, this is what I had written.
Mysrey idea:
In the game you must find out who you are
Who you were is the mystery of the game
Exploring who you were in the past will lead you traveling into different memories.
Has to be something about exploring
Has to link with memory and exploration
After I had written the jist of the game I began writing the short sentences to describe the game, these sentences are essentially a draft for the pitch.

These are the rough draft for the mysrey idea pitch, its not the best but hey its something.
Personally I quite like the Mystery idea 3 but I can visualise myself diving into the deep depth of the memories and unlocking secrets.
Action plan:
I think it is perhaps biased for me to choose which draft to use for my draft because I created it myself, so to combat the bias I am going to create a survey on which pitch perfectly captulates the idea.
Create pitch survey to the class and possibly the other years.
The layout of the survey:
A brief description of the game
The different versions of the pitches
Questions - for the questions to be maximised to its potential and for it to be helpful to me I ahve to ask very specific questions to help narrow the versions of the pitch down to one e.g. if I say which one do you like the most ?, that is too vague of answer.
Instead it would be better if I was more specific e.g. which pitch makes you feel awed?.
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