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The main inspiration for this game is Nostalgia, the idea that what we remember from our past might not be exactly truthful, we look at past events with such nostalgia it can somewhat blind them into seeing what actual happened in that event. Originally I had two ideas, one a mystery idea where a player find lost memories with the character, two a narrative idea a collision between two worlds, one in the future and one in the past. After some research I decided to eliminate the narrative idea, and focus on the mystery idea as its the only one that seemed to take form. From that I came up with the idea that will be shown in the games design document, the idea is that the player will to travel through the character's mind and collect memories in the form of pictures.
The environment in the game is snippests of the characters memories
In the game there are two main mechanics that are in play, one the scent mechanic and two the alignment mechanic. The scent mechanic came from the research into how nostalgic memories are triggered by different sense, it seems from my research that scent is one of the most pronminent senses that trigger nostaligic memories.
The alignment mechanic comes from the game witness, witness is a 3d first person point of view puzzle game, in the game you complete puzzles but what sets witness out compared to other puzzle games is that within the environment there are clues on how to solve the puzzle, I essentially used the same empahsis on using the environment in a different way. In my game when the player collects a memory they will advance to the next level, but the only way to advance to the next level is align the content of the picture to the background, once that is completed the player will advance through to the next level.

Theses are my initial mood boards.

Theses are my mood boards when the mystert idea was further expanded.

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