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The character wakes up in a dark landscape where nothing is round other than the rocks that he is standing on, he looks puzzled and confused and puzzled as to where is he and how he got here, in the distance the character can see rough curvatures that indicate that he is in the sloppy area but can't make out where he is, there is a light ray shone right above his head, perhaps that might of been where he fell out of, but what did he fell out of.

To see where he is, he needs a much better look of the environemt, so he jumps down to the ground to see where he is.
Whilst sitting down he is pondering wher he is, but... wait, what am I ?, who am i


As he starts ponder these thoughts alone, suddenly there is something that is creawling in the air, it getting close and closer, it appears to look like a red ribbon, it touches your nostrils as you inhale the scent you start getting flooded of memories that seems familar to you.

The scent seems to be coming from this white cube from afar, the character dosen't know where this scent will lead him, but if this scent is the only way for me to find his way back then he must follow it.
Level 1:

The character goes through the white portal, it seems like he is running forever and forever until he is not. He is no longer in the white portal he is in a wooded area, the area appears to be a forest, though the area looks familiar to him he is unsure where he is because its so foggy, the only thing he can properly see is the scent from earlier, as it is his only way to get out of this place he follows it. As he's stalking the scent he looks up to see a coat hanging from a tree, he takes the coat as the environment is very cold.

As he's exploring the area and following the scent, it becomes less and less foggy, it seems the more explores into the depths of the environment there's less fog. It seems there is a slope that getting in his way he pushes his stick to the top of the slope and pulls himself up so he can reach the top of the platform, the adventure continues.

he looks up again and sees a scarf using the same trick he learnt in the platform, he uses his stick to grab it from the air.

There he is, at the end of the road, it seems that the scent is coming from this cube in the distance, as he is walking closer the strength of the fog decreases every step he takes. As grabs, the cube, wait he's been fooled, this isn't a cube its picture, he can't really see very so he moves the picture to the direction of the forest to get better lighting, but he noticed something in the picture itself, the picture is the forest, so out of pure curiosity, he aligns the content of the picture, to the forest. As he aligns it, the picture morphs into another portal, he jumps into another portal, he does not know where this takes him but it is his only way out of here.

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