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3D model- workshop
Throughout the week we've been having series of lectures about 3d modelling, and within theses lecture, we'll be learning different 3D modelling techniques, for example, 3D modelling hard surface, organic shells, and generating cities. On the first day, the student uploaded 3 videos which were supposed to show what we're going to be doing throughout the day. I looked at each one individually and watched again because I am someone that watch something and watch it again so I can properly process the information that is given to me. I found the videos really cool to watch because personally I am a big 3D modelling fan and look at a lot of 3D models on artstation but I wasn't aware that that there were these techniques you can use in Blender e.g. in the organic shells video, the student was able to create a sound effect the Disorts the shapes of the 3D model, therefore, making the shape very irregular looking. Also in the video, the student deleted the polygons of the 3D model and the vertices of the model remained thus the model looks almost like a shell. The task for this lecture was to take everything that I have seen from the videos and create a fantastical city street.
This is my process

Unfortunately, because I was having too much fun with the process I forgot to take screenshots of the process but I can describe what I did instead. Firstly I created uploaded the street template that the alumni put on the blackboard so that that we use it, then I created a plane elongated by pressing S cut the plane into more faces/polygons activated the magnet rose the plane to make it look like a mountain then I put it on the side of the street so that the people in this fictional world can look at the mountain every time shift + A and added a sphere changed the outside surface from white to yellow then I copied and pasted another sphere displaced it to sound noise to make the shape of it look irregular and deleted the polygons making the outer part of the sun like an outer shell when the mountain and sun were completed I created the street by subdividing the cube and displaced in that order I was able to create shapes that would look like buildings after that was completed I started playing with the nodes. Nodes are something that I have never really used before when 3D modelling it always seemed to be very complicated so, therefore, I never really attempted to try it until now surprisingly I found it quite easier to use, first I shift + A and added on principled BSDF, ColouRange, Noise texture, Separate XYZ, Mapping, Texture coordinate and linked them between lour, rac, vector, object, in the colour ranger you have two different colours it appears on the 3D model. I chose to use neon red, green, purple to make the scene look more cyberpunk/ futuristic aesthetic.
When the artwork was done I had to present my idea to rest of the class, they seemed to have liked it, after the presentation we had a bit of homework from the alumni, the homework was to create an environment based on our game, or imagination, you must have several render shots of this environment, present your work by explaining the process behind the design.
Here is the process behind me creating the environment:

When creating the city street I had an idea in my head, which was a ship ready to land on a space station and the stuff around the ship looks abstract and odd, so I sketched what I was thinking in my head, the cube is supposed to represent the space station. After that was completed the sketched the spaceship and created a digital design of it on Procreate. Once I had a clear design for the spaceship I then started 3D modelling

I created a plane by shift + A cut the faces of the plane into six face and cut it again on the other side then the shape by elongating the shape by pressing E rose the shape so it looks like a hub booth at the stop after that I made another plane But I made it look like a diamon and elongated that shape asweell thus that is the space ship done now Its time to create shapes that suppose to be around the space ship and spae station

Final design.
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