One page pitch
One page pitch is for investors, essentially the one page pitch is used for marketing.
For example this could used for crowd funding.
From the designers point of view the one page pitch should be exciting to read.
One page pitch should show the gameplay of your finished game, not necessarily the the technicalities of the prototypes because they would find that quite boring and out of place, consider writing the one page pitch to investors as if your writing to your target audience so you can show off the mechanics in your game but has to be exciting for the investors.
However there are some games that are mechanic driven, so if the mechanic makes the game and makes the gameplay experience more exciting than the creator of the one page pitch has to sell those mechanic ideas.
The potential audience for the one page pitch should be the investors and the target audience.
One page pitch should not include flowery language, or at the very least to be bare minimum. The reason why is that
the goal of the document is for someone to back your idea
Things to include in your one page pitch:
Logo - Though the logo is probably one of the least important aspect to the one page pitch but the logo should represent what your whole game is supposed to be so if your game has a logo than there's no harm implementing it into the one page pitch.
Top bubble - the top bubble should consist of: how many players will the game will be able to play, the target audience, the genre
Pitch - the pitch should a short description of your game, every word of the pitch should contribute to the investors limited understanding of your game, remember avoid using flowery language if not very little
Gameplay pillars - The gameplay pillars should expand on the pitch but with further detail, similarly to the pitch the gameplay pillars shouldn't have flowery language.
Gameplay mock-up - The gameplay mock up should show bits of your gameplay

Today in class we looked at the one-page pitch, the one-page pitch is a one-page document that would be presented to investors who are interested in your game. The content of the page pitch should have the logo, top bubble, pitch, gameplay pillars, gameplay mock-up for your game. The content should describe the basic plot and some of the gameplay mechanics in your game, this should be enough for investors to be interested in your game. Also because the content is all on one page the developers should be mindful not to use a lot of flowery languages because every word counts.
This type of document is one of the documents we'll have to have in your project, for us to get better grips into this type of documentation, our task was to make one-page pitch document of a pre-existing game.
Though I didn't get the exercise done in time I did it eventually, I chose red dead 2 for my chosen game (what a surprise :-)
At first, I found the exercise really hard because I had to think of all the necessary mechanics that have to be addressed in one page but eventually got the hang of it, so this is how I did it:
Firstly I have written the gameplay pillars first because the pillars are supposed to be what the pitch says in detail, I found writing the pitch was quite hard to write, because I felt that it was restricting my freedom, so I figured that after writing the gameplay pillars, writing the pitch will come easier.
Secondly, I wrote the pitch
After that, I took screenshots from gameplay walkthroughs. the screenshot should be connected to the gameplay pillars.