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In my reconsideration development I discussed that a big concept art project would too much for me, however I was going to take two topics from both concept art and 3d modelling each, for this week I took the topics of sculpting and values. This section is about my journey into 3d sculpting.
I have been 3d modelling regularly for the last 2 years, though I have been getting better with it there has been a topic in 3d modelling that I haven't looked at too deeply in which is scultping.
As someone who wants to improve the artistic assonary I would like to learn more about 3d sculpting.
To learn 3D sculpting I looked at tutorials on how to sculpt, because I learn more efficiently if someone else is doing it.
Here are my attempts.

This is the tutorial I followed.

I created UV sphere increased the polygons to make the face more realistic, I used the snake tool with the strength of 35. to elongate the face, making the face have a chin. After I used the cutting method to cut the head on the bottom to make it more like a neck.


After that, I used the draw tool to create two holes at the top part of the sphere for the eyes and pushed them back, the strength of the tool was about 30, and I used a reflection tool so that the holes can be pressed evenly, used the same tool with the mouth, but then I used the crease tool close the huge gap in the mouth.

Essentially did the same thing for the next stage.
A face

VeryHotShark . (2019). How to sculpt stylized face in Blender 2.8 Beginner Tutorial | Part 1. Available: Last accessed 4th Dec 2020.
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